Everything else we have covered this unit could possibly be on this quiz (FTC, Limit definition of integrals, evaluating basic definite and indefinite integrals, Riemann Sums, displacement vs total distance, net change vs total change). Rather than having one massive test after spring break, we will have a test next Tuesday, 3/13. KA: Integration by parts, definite integrals The quiz will cover both definite and indefinite integrals using any of the techniques we have learned (standard antidifferentiation, U-Substitution, Integration by parts). Doing just one will not cover everything.

Make sure you do BOTH the book review and the extra review. Here are today's notes (note: the assignment at the end of the notes is from last year. Recommended: KA, Slope Fields & Equations Here is the worksheet (answers at the end) 404-405 that doesn't say the word "Euler." The Great Calculus Caper (Great FRQ Practice) This is a great online resource that covers everything on the Calc AB exam (except L'Hopital).

This is a good tool to review before taking the exam. 548 #1a, 2, 3a 5-8, 11-16ĪP Calculus Memorization sheet (anything crossed out is for BC only) Here are the answers to the review packetĮxtra Review: p. Here are the problems from the review gameĭifferential Equations Review (Chapter 7):

Here is the extra review packet (answers included at the end) Here are the solutions to Integration Jeopardy Ignore #29, it involves partial fractions, which is a BC skill. Here are the reposted study guides from previous units ( to study for the FRQ's): The test will consist of the same questions in a different order Monday, June 4 - No Calculator Multiple Choice and FRQ (scientific calculator allowed and recommended)

The Final exam will take place over two days: